Eric Myatt | May 14, 2024

When Fr. Mykhailo and his team at Holy Eucharist Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral (New Westminster, BC) decided to start their first Alpha, coordinators Alina and Iryna were nervous.   

“It was very stressful.” Iryna shares. “We didn’t know what to expect. We only had 14 people registered the week before. We asked ourselves ‘If 10 come will we cancel? What if only 5 come?’ It was a stretch for our Leadership Team to trust in God.” 

But they were in for a surprise their first Alpha night. 

“We ended up having 70 people come on that first night! We had to add tables at the last minute. The team was so encouraged.” 

Alina served as one of the table hosts and had an up-close view of personal transformation during Alpha. “The most amazing thing for me was that all my table members attended the Sunday Liturgy on the first Sunday after the first Alpha session. Also, I was really impressed when three women asked for their first confession. It was difficult for them to make this decision, but Alpha videos helped them realize that Jesus died for them.” 

Alina shares another story: “One young woman came to the church because she saw the parish  offering help to Ukrainians with documents.”  It was a snowy day and the city was shut down. After Divine Liturgy, the priest wanted to close the door, but this girl just pushed it open. She didn’t realize that all appointments were canceled. The priest said, ‘Sorry, I can’t help you with documents, but… you can come on Saturday evening to Alpha and have a hot dinner.” She came. “She didn’t say anything at the table and hid in her hoodie, but evening after evening, the Holy Spirit worked on her, and she became more open.”  By the end Alina relates, the woman asked if she could be the host of the table for the next Alpha session!” 

The parish has now launched their second Alpha course and are filled with hope and expectation for all the Lord will do next. 

Watch: The Alpha experience at HEUCC (Turn on English closed-captioning)

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