Events that help you to renew your parish and your hope.

Events that help you to renew your parish and your hope.

Featured event

Re-Presenting Jesus: Sharing Christ in Contemporary Culture

Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2024
Noon Pacific • 3 PM Eastern • 8 PM London • 9 PM Berlin
(Wednesday, November 13 at 7 AM Sydney • 9 AM Christchurch)

As the body of Christ, we are called to make Jesus present in every age to all people.

Join Jonathan Roumie, Fr. James Mallon, and Nicky Gumbel this November in this conversation. Learn more.

Featured event

Re-Presenting Jesus: Sharing Christ in Contemporary Culture

Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2024
Noon Pacific • 3 PM Eastern • 8 PM London • 9 PM Berlin (Wednesday, November 13 at 7 AM Sydney • 9 AM Christchurch)

As the body of Christ, we are called to make Jesus present in every age to all people.

Join Jonathan Roumie, Fr. James Mallon, and Nicky Gumbel this November in this conversation. Learn more.


🌎 Transform Your Parish: The Role of Metrics in Renewal

Tuesday, October 22, 2024 | 1 PM Pacific | 4 PM Eastern | 7 AM Wednesday SYD Australia
Are you ready to ignite transformation in your parish but don't know where to start? Join us for our upcoming online event, Transform Your Parish: The Role of Metrics in Renewal. We'll explore how using metrics can provide valuable insights to guide your parish through its renewal journey and help you live out the Great Commission. Metrics play a crucial role in parish renewal by helping you measure progress, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to harness the power of metrics to transform your parish!  So, register today!

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🇩🇪DR Connect Gelsenkirchen

08.11. - 09.11., 15 - 21 Uhr (Fr)/09 - 16 Uhr (Sa), Gemeindeheim St. Barbara, Cranger Str. 274A, Gelsenkirchen  
Das Divine Renovation Connect Event in Gelsenkirchen ist ein Treffen für Priester mit ihrem Leitungsteam, die schon Coaching mit Divine Renovation begonnen haben (Ausnahmen nach Absprache möglich). Verbringen Sie Zeit in Gebet, Gemeinschaft und mit intensivem Coaching. Lassen Sie sich ausrüsten, um solide nächste Schritte zu erarbeiten, die Sie befähigen, Ihre Gemeinde weiter in die Mission zu führen. Könnten Sie eine Auszeit gebrauchen, in der Sie sich gezielt auf diese Themen fokussieren können? Kommen Sie zu unserem Connect Event, und verbringen Sie Zeit im Gebet, in Gemeinschaft und lassen Sie sich im Coaching mit neuen Erkenntnissen ausrüsten. Wir freuen uns sehr, Sie zu sehen! Hinweis: am Freitagabend findet eine gemeinsame Messe und ein Gebets- und Lobpreisabend statt. Hierzu sind auch die Teams schon sehr herzlich eingeladen.  

zur Anmeldung
Online event with Jonathan Roumie, Fr. James Mallon, and Nicky Gumbel — hosted by Divine Renovation and Alpha.

🌎 Re-Presenting Jesus: Sharing Christ in Contemporary Culture

Tuesday, November 12, 2024 at Noon Pacific • 3 PM Eastern • 8 PM London • 9 PM Berlin
Wednesday, November 13 at 7 AM Sydney • 9 AM Christchurch

As the body of Christ, we are called to make Jesus present in every age to all people. But this isn’t always easy!
Today, we are blessed to live in a time of greater connectedness than ever before. How can we use this greater connectedness to share Jesus more powerfully and effectively with others?
Join Jonathan Roumie (The Chosen), Fr. James Mallon, and Nicky Gumbel in this crucial conversation as they explore what it means to re-present Jesus in our cultural context today and how the Church can embrace this moment to fulfill her mission of sharing Christ with all the nations.

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🇳🇿 DR Open House: New Plymouth

Friday November 22, 3 PM to 4 PM Saturday November 23, 2024 • Catholic Parish of New Plymouth, 106 Powderham Street New Plymouth 4310 New Zealand 

As a priest or active parishioner, we know you want to see your parish come alive. But the problem is, without seeing the example of other parishes doing things differently, it's difficult to see what's possible. 
Does the thought of parish renewal make you feel overwhelmed or doubtful whether you could ever see something great happen in your parish?We understand how parish renewal can seem intimidating. This is why we’re inviting priests and parish leaders like you to our upcoming Divine Renovation Open House: 2 day event where you will connect with parishes that have come alive by pursuing mission, hear inspiring stories of what they’ve learned in their journey, and be encouraged by seeing hope for what’s possible in your own parish. We will be joined by Bishop John Adams and Bishop Michael Gielen as we break open this important conversation.

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🇦🇺Made For Mission: Bathurst Diocese

Saturday November 23, 2024 • 10 AM - 3 PM • St. Joseph's Catholic Church & Kenna Hall, 84 Hill St. Orange NSW 2800 Australia

Want to see your parish come alive? If you're a priest or active parishioner in the Diocese of Bathurst, join us on Saturday, 23 November at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Orange NSW for a Made for Mission event. .Whether you're on the journey with DR/Alpha or simply interested in taking the first steps towards renewal, this half-day event is an opportunity for you to be equipped for the work of mission through inspiring keynotes, insightful discussion, prayer, fellowship, and the chance to connect with other parishes.

Be inspired and equipped for the work of mission with our keynotes and value-packed workshopsMeet a network of parish leaders on fire for mission, evangelisation, and parish renewalConnect with DR and Alpha staff and learn about the supports available to parishes on the journey of renewalJoin us as we look at strategies and next steps in mission, evangelisation, and parish renewal in today's context. Register today!

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🇺🇸 DR Unlocked Events

Do you want more for your parish?
Changing the way we “do church” can be intimidating, especially without seeing the
example of other parishes doing things differently. If you’re ready to discover the keys that will unlock your parish’s potential, these events are for you. Learn more and register today at


🇬🇧 Open House: Billericay

Saturday October 12, 2024 • 9:30 AM - 5 PM • The Most Redeemer, 21 Laindon Rd, Billericay, UK • Mass celebrated by Bishop Alan Williams

Imagine what your parish would look like if it started to attract new people, made new disciples and grew in numbers and faith. Is this growth and new life in our Catholic parishes even possible?

We see this question being asked in parishes around the UK. In conjunction with the Diocese of Brentwood Vicariate for Parish Renewal, we'd love to invite you to spend the day with one of these parishes. The Most Holy Redeemer Parish invites you to DR Open House Billericay, a chance to get inspired by priests and parishioners as they share stories of transformation! Hear what they are learning and dream about the change that could be possible in your own parish. Register today!

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A free and inspiring group experience designed to help parish teams explore the journey to becoming a renewed, mission-focused parish.

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Transform your parish

Join Launch Point

This free and inspiring experience will help your parish team explore the renewal journey — and how Divine Renovation can accompany you at no cost.