Events that help you to renew your parish and your hope.

Featured event

Catholic Parish Summit

June 12-14, 2024 • Harrogate, UK

The Catholic Parish Summit is gathering 1,000 parish leaders who will share the vision of a Church that is missional and apostolic at its very core, and equip them to lead their parish so that more people will come to know Jesus.

Join Archbishop Mark O’Toole, Sr. Miriam James Heidland, and Fr. James Mallon — among so many others — to see what’s behind a growing movement of parishes coming to new life, and learn how your parish can do it, too.

Learn more and save your spot today at


🇺🇸 DR Unlocked: Northern New York

Friday August 23, 2024 • 9 AM - 5 PM • St. Agnes, 169 Hillcrest Ave, Lake Placid, NY 12946
Priests and active parishioners across the United States want to see their parishes come alive. The problem is that changing the way we “do church” can be intimidating. We get it–prioritizing mission over maintenance can feel scary. This is why you're invited to DR Unlocked: Northern New York, where you will: • Learn about the 3 Keys to Unlocking Your Parish Be equipped for mission through practical workshops and resource • Connect with a growing community of learning in the space of parish renewal. So, register today!

Register Now

🇨🇦 DR Unlocked: Sault Ste. Marie

Saturday September 14, 2024 • 9:30 AM - 5 PM • St. Veronica's Parish, Sault Ste Marie, Ontario P6C 1V3

Priests and active parishioners across Canada want to see their parishes come alive. The problem is that changing the way we “do church” can be intimidating. We get it–prioritizing mission over maintenance can feel scary. This is why you're invited to DR Unlocked: Sault Ste. Marie, where you will: • Learn about the 3 Keys to Unlocking Your Parish • Be equipped for mission through practical workshops and resource • Connect with a growing community of learning in the space of parish renewal. So, register today!

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🇬🇧 Open House: Billericay

Saturday October 12, 2024 • 9:30 AM - 5 PM  • The Most Redeemer, 21 Laindon Rd, Billericay, UK
Imagine what your parish would look like if it started to attract new people, made new disciples and grew in numbers and faith. Is this growth and new life in our Catholic parishes even possible?

We see this question being asked in parishes around the UK. In conjunction with the Diocese of Brentwood Vicariate for Parish Renewal, we'd love to invite you to spend the day with one of these parishes. The Most Holy Redeemer Parish invites you to DR Open House Billericay, a chance to get inspired by priests and parishioners as they share stories of transformation! Hear what they are learning and dream about the change that could be possible in your own parish. Register today!

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ConnectEvents: für Priester und ihre Leitungsteams

DR Connect Gräfelfing: 11./12. Oktober
DR Connect Gelsenkirchen: 08./09. November

Unsere ConnectEvents sind Treffen von Priestern und Leitungsteams, die schon Coaching mit Divine Renovation begonnen haben (Ausnahmen nach Absprache möglich). Verbringen Sie Zeit in Gebet, Gemeinschaft und mit intensivem Coaching. Lassen Sie sich ausrüsten, um solide nächste Schritte zu erarbeiten, die Sie befähigen, Ihre Gemeinde weiter in die Mission zu führen. Laden Sie jetzt schon Ihr Team dazu ein.

die Anmeldung ist bald möglich

🇩🇪Vor-Ort-Event: Ein Tag für die Erneuerung Ihrer Pfarre

Samstag, 19. Oktober 2024 - 09:30 Uhr bis 17:30 Uhr 
Tagesveranstaltung in Wien
Sie sehnen sich nach Erneuerung in Ihrer Pfarre und wollen sich von der Erfahrung anderer inspirieren lassen? Was erwartet Sie? Input Hilfreiche Schritte, um zu starten oder einen Schritt weiterzugehen, sowie Erkenntnisse aus Pfarren in Österreich und weltweit. Workshops Setzen Sie sich praktisch mit Themen wie Leiterschaft, Vision und Evangelisierung auseinander. Gebet Gebet und Lobpreiszeit, denn wir glauben: Echte Erneuerung geschieht nur mit der Kraft des Heiligen Geistes. Anmeldung ab sofort möglich!  

zur Anmeldung

Featured event

Catholic Parish Summit

June 12-14, 2024 • Harrogate, UK

The Catholic Parish Summit is gathering 1,000 parish leaders who will share the vision of a Church that is missional and apostolic at its very core, and equip them to lead their parish so that more people will come to know Jesus.

Join Archbishop Mark O’Toole, Sr. Miriam James Heidland, and Fr. James Mallon — among so many others — to see what’s behind a growing movement of parishes coming to new life, and learn how your parish can do it, too.

Learn more and save your spot today at

🇺🇸 DR Unlocked Events

Do you want more for your parish?
Changing the way we “do church” can be intimidating, especially without seeing the
example of other parishes doing things differently. If you’re ready to discover the keys that will unlock your parish’s potential, these events are for you. Learn more and register today at

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