“God Opens a Window”: A Story from Canada

Five feet of fresh snow cover the Northern Canadian town of Sault Ste. Marie, blanketing St. Veronica’s Church in a Christmas Card-worthy outline. But for Joanne, Christmas here has been less than picturesque, filled with the painful reminder of her mother’s death.

In 2015, two days after Christmas, Joanne’s 65-year-old mother, Susan, died suddenly, leaving Joanne without close family nearby as she raised her young daughter, Sophie as a single mom. Joanne’s mother was a devout Catholic and had made sure her children were baptized and received their sacraments but following mom’s death Joanne found it difficult to feel anything but anger at God. She recalls being filled with despair and grief, telling God “I needed her,” “it’s not fair,” and “you can just leave me alone.”

Then two years ago, again at Christmastime, something new was in store for Joanne.

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