Building for the Future: A Story from Ireland

“In some ways this is the biggest moment in the Irish Church since Catholic emancipation…the beginning of building something for the future.”

– Fr. John Daly

Jacqueline Marie | Sept.5, 2022

The pastor of the dual parishes of Greystones and Kilquade, Fr. John is a busy man. Located just outside of Dublin, he ministers in an environment of rampant secularization and to many who view their faith as cultural rather than personal.

Last year, over a thousand children came through baptism, first communion, and confirmation; yet over 90% don’t attend after they receive the sacraments.  

So the challenges are clear: a country moving away from the church, too few priests and burn out looming for those who take up the call. He describes his current placement as “certainly my most challenging appointment.”  

In 2018 Fr. John heard Fr. James Mallon speak about DR at a conference in Ireland and felt “this is a road we want to take.” Since being in coaching with DR, he finds, “working with the team the last couple of years has been super, having that support and unity of vision.”  

Fr. John Daly

“In 2018 Fr. John heard Fr. James Mallon speak about DR at a conference in Ireland and felt ‘this is a road we want to take.’ ”

The renovating work of renewal has begun and he describes it like the stage in construction when all the drywall is ripped out and everything is messy and bare… “change is not easy and there is going to be a lot of change.”  

With DR’s help he is uniting the two parishes, forming a single parish leadership team, and empowering the laity – which became a necessity at one point when both Fr. John and Fr. Gerard were out of commission due to illness – in fact, the Good Friday service this year had to be lay led. Empowering his people has been a joy, “look at the gifts that you have, don’t be hiding them or afraid of them.” 

Fr. John is passionate for the Church to move from maintenance to mission. 

“It’s a time of excitement and challenge because in some ways this is the biggest moment in the Irish Church since Catholic emancipation…the beginning of building something for the future.”  

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