Why We Give: A Donor Story

"I want to see a lineup for Mass outside every single Roman Catholic church that now only has a lineup for tourism."

Jacqueline Marie | June 26, 2023

Yuriko and Christopher Ryan

Christopher Ryan is a lifelong Catholic. His wife Yuriko, a former atheist, experienced a conversion 10 years ago.

When they read Divine Renovation: From a Maintenance to a Missional Parish, they both experienced another conversion: “I believe that Christ’s Church needs immediate and significant reform and renovation.” For them, this was the moment they believed they “joined the DR movement.”

They relate, “DR led us to take actions. We completed an Alpha Course at a DR-coached parish and then joined the inaugural Alpha Team at our new parish which is also DR-coached.”

Both doctors, they went to Barcelona for a medical conference. They saw thousands of tourists lining up for entry to one of the city’s most famous tourist attractions: Sagrada Familia. Like many other Catholic churches in major European cities, tourists occupy the churches. The line-up to get into Mass was significantly shorter.

Yuriko said to her husband, “I want to see a lineup for Mass outside every single Roman Catholic church that now only has a lineup for tourism. We must evangelize all nations and DR and Alpha will be the modern miracle!”

Regular donors to DR, active members of their parish, and on fire with the passion for evangelization, they say that they “do not consider ourselves special.”

They state, “Average parishioners of Catholic churches may believe that the Church’s problems have nothing to do with them. Everyone needs to examine the problems in their own house – not just the physical building, but also most hearts and souls need decluttering, cleanup, and renovation to make room for the Holy Spirit. Then act and evangelize.”

“Do not worry. DR will coach you and your parishes. Once DR ignites evangelical fire in you and transforms your life, you will form a true House of the Lord.”

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