As a donor-funded ministry, Divine Renovation receives no funding from the institutional Church and relies entirely on your generosity. Donate today.
Samstag, 29.03. - 9:00 - 17:30 Uhr Ort: Hofkirche Neumarkt, Neumarkt i.d.OPf.
Was erwartet Sie?
Input: Hilfreiche Schritte, um zu starten oder einen Schritt weiterzugehen, sowie Erkenntnisse aus Pfarreien im deutschsprachigen Raum und weltweit.
Workshops: Setzen Sie sich praktisch mit Themen wie Leiterschaft, Vision und Evangelisierung auseinander.
Gebet: Gebet und Lobpreiszeit, denn wir glauben: Echte Erneuerung geschieht nur mit der Kraft des Heiligen Geistes.
Teilnahme auf Spendenbasis. Die Anmeldung ist ab Januar möglich.
05. April • 9:00 - 17:30 Uhr / in Kooperation mit dem Neuevangelisierungsverein X451 e.V.
Ort: St. Josef, Erfurt.
Was erwartet Sie?
Input: Hilfreiche Schritte, um zu starten oder einen Schritt weiterzugehen, sowie Erkenntnisse aus Pfarreien im deutschsprachigen Raum und weltweit.
Workshops: Setzen Sie sich praktisch mit Themen wie Leiterschaft, Vision und Evangelisierung auseinander.
Gebet: Gebet und Lobpreiszeit, denn wir glauben: Echte Erneuerung geschieht nur mit der Kraft des Heiligen Geistes.
Teilnahme auf Spendenbasis. Die Anmeldung ist ab sofort möglich.
Friday, May 30th 2025 - 2 PM Central | 8 PM BST | (Saturday May 31st) 5 AM Sydney
How can parish leaders navigate an increasingly secular world? Join Monsignor James Shea and Father James Mallon as they lead a 75 minute thought-provoking discussion on embracing the Apostolic Age and revitalizing parish life for mission. This engaging conversation will explore the transition from Christendom to the Apostolic Age and its impact on today’s Church. Drawing from Monsignor Shea’s influential work, From Christendom to Apostolic Mission, and Fr. James Mallon’s hands-on experience in parish renewal, this online event will inspire you to reimagine ministry in a changing culture.
- Discover why secularism is the "religion of today" and how it shapes parish communities
- Learn practical strategies to transform your parish for effective evangelization
- Explore how Church leaders can adapt their preaching, leadership, and mission to thrive in the Apostolic Age.
Come join us for this inspiring conversation and gain fresh insights to lead your parish with renewed purpose. Register now to save your spot!
Do you want more for your parish?
Changing the way we “do church” can be intimidating, especially without seeing the
example of other parishes doing things differently. If you’re ready to discover the keys that will unlock your parish’s potential, these events are for you. Learn more and register today at
Saturday October 12, 2024 • 9:30 AM - 5 PM • The Most Redeemer, 21 Laindon Rd, Billericay, UK • Mass celebrated by Bishop Alan Williams
Imagine what your parish would look like if it started to attract new people, made new disciples and grew in numbers and faith. Is this growth and new life in our Catholic parishes even possible?
We see this question being asked in parishes around the UK. In conjunction with the Diocese of Brentwood Vicariate for Parish Renewal, we'd love to invite you to spend the day with one of these parishes. The Most Holy Redeemer Parish invites you to DR Open House Billericay, a chance to get inspired by priests and parishioners as they share stories of transformation! Hear what they are learning and dream about the change that could be possible in your own parish.
Register today!
Friday, May 30th 2025 - 2 PM Central | 8 PM BST | (Saturday May 31st) 5 AM Sydney
How can parish leaders navigate an increasingly secular world? Join Monsignor James Shea and Father James Mallon as they lead a 75 minute thought-provoking discussion on embracing the Apostolic Age and revitalizing parish life for mission. This engaging conversation will explore the transition from Christendom to the Apostolic Age and its impact on today’s Church. Drawing from Monsignor Shea’s influential work, From Christendom to Apostolic Mission, and Fr. James Mallon’s hands-on experience in parish renewal, this online event will inspire you to reimagine ministry in a changing culture.
- Discover why secularism is the "religion of today" and how it shapes parish communities
Learn practical strategies to transform your parish for effective evangelization
Explore how Church leaders can adapt their preaching, leadership, and mission to thrive in the Apostolic Age.
Come join us for this inspiring conversation and gain fresh insights to lead your parish with renewed purpose. Register now to save your spot!
A free and inspiring group experience designed to help parish teams explore the journey to becoming a renewed, mission-focused parish.
PO BOX 51069 RPO
Rockingham Ridge
Halifax, NS
B3M 4R8
5-7 Cromwell Road
United Kingdom
4 Canterbury Ct
Beaconsfield Upper
847 E. Bethel School Rd.
Coppell, Texas
Divine Renovation Deutschland e.V.
56a, 53227 Bonn
As a donor-funded ministry, Divine Renovation receives no funding from the institutional Church and relies entirely on your generosity. Donate today.
As a fully donor-funded ministry, Divine Renovation receives no funding from the institutional Church and relies entirely on your generosity. Donate today.
This free and inspiring experience will help your parish team explore the renewal journey — and how Divine Renovation can accompany you at no cost.
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