During this season of giving, together we can rebuild the global Church

Watch this message from Fr. James Mallon

Your gifts matter.

It’s no secret the Church is in decline, and it’s clear the way forward won’t be the way we’ve come. But with the guidance of the Holy Spirit—and through obedience to God’s calling on our lives—renewal is possible.

By giving to Divine Renovation, you bring hope to priests, life to parishes, and people to Jesus.

With your help, parishes across the world will become missional.

Divine Renovation is already a global movement currently serving priests in 28 countries.
Imagine thousands more parishes becoming centers of hope and healing for their communities.

Our world needs that. Our world needs you.

"The work that DR does really does make a difference. St. Declan's is absolutely a living example of the principles being able to work, being at work and working."
- Father Chris Ryan, Australia

Join our generous community of
monthly donors.

Although every parish is unique, three keys have transformed hundreds of them.
Donate $50 monthly.
Donate $200 monthly.
Parishioners talking to each other during a Divine Renovation event for parish renewal.
Donate $500 monthly.

For legacy gifts, please reach out to [email protected].

Transformation is happening now.

Divine Renovation

We come alongside priests and parishes at no charge.

When Divine Renovation first launched, we recognized our fees were a barrier for under-resourced parishes. As we prayed for a solution, God offered a surprising answer: We were to drop our fees and rely on His provision.

The Divine Renovation Approach

You can trust your contribution will make a difference,
because our model is already transforming thousands of parishes around the globe.

Divine Renovation's three keys to parish renewal, based on Father James Mallon's book.
The Power of the Holy Spirit

Through the power of the Holy Spirit, transformative renewal happens and parishes come to life.

Divine Renovation's three keys to parish renewal, based on Father James Mallon's book.
The Primacy of Evangelization

When evangelization is the focus and people encounter Jesus, parishes grow.

Divine Renovation's three keys to parish renewal, based on Father James Mallon's book.
The Best of Leadership

When parish leaders serve out of the best leadership principles, parishes thrive.

“There is definitely a change in the parish. There is a liveliness that wasn’t there before. A tangible example of this change has been in the hospitality on Sundays – especially in how people are welcomed in..."
- Nathan, Canada

As the parish renewal movement grows, so does God's Kingdom.

Since 2016, parish leaders around the world have been equipped for mission through our resources, coaching, and events.

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Check out our 2023 impact report to learn the full story.

The world needs the Church now more than ever.

Renewal is closer than you think.

You donate.

Make a one-time gift or monthly commitment to fuel our ministry.

We support parish renewal.

Your gifts equip us to reach more parishes in less time.

More people encounter God.

As parishes become explosively alive, new people are drawn to Jesus.

The Three Keys to Parish Renewal

Get 3 practical principles you can begin to use this week to move your parish from maintenance to mission.

Catholic parish renewal - resource from Divine Renovation.

Divine Renovation has local offices to meet the unique circumstances of different regions, and in most regions is able to offer charitable receipts to donors who make this ministry possible.

Our charitable registration numbers:

Canada and Global
No. 828454538 RR 0001

501(c)(3) EIN 85-4349230

No. 1189356

ABN 52645439238

Neu: Deutschland
VR2833 Fulda

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