Be Part of History Changing: A Letter From the UK

Mass at the 2017 Divine Renovation Conference in Twickenham.

"This is our dream: Imagine if the ministry of Divine Renovation was no longer needed, because the Three Keys (to parish renewal) were completely normalised in the life of the local church?"

Divine Renovation UK team • Nov. 10, 2023

This year, 2023, marks five years since Divine Renovation has been operating in the UK. It is amazing to think back to the very first conference at the end of 2017 at St. Mary’s Twickenham (who was there?!). After that, we started coaching the first three British parishes. To date, we have coached over 100 parishes! While we have seen much decline over the last five years, and while parish priests daily experience being spread ever more thinly, we also see much-needed change, abandoning old ways of the past, and bold moves into mission.

This is our dream: Imagine if the ministry of Divine Renovation was no longer needed, because the Three Keys (the Power of the Holy Spirit, the Primacy of Evangelisation, and the Best of Leadership Principles) were completely normalised in the life of the local church?!

2023 is a pivotal year for another reason. In ten years’ time, it will be the 2,000th anniversary of the centre of all history: the death and resurrection of Jesus, and his Great Commission to the apostles, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations” (Matt. 28:19).

Along with many Christian ministries around the world, we at Divine Renovation marvel at how the Holy Spirit is stirring in the Church. What could be the impact if we intentionally and passionately cooperated with the Lord for mission over the next 10 years?

The Church will certainly be smaller in 2033. From 2012 to 2022, attendance at our churches fell from 850,000 to 500,000. By 2033 we will likely have become even smaller still. But, can you imagine if the parishes that remain are explosively missional, on fire, and unafraid to proclaim the Good News? Imagine what it would look like if the parishes that remained were intentionally living out of the power of the Holy Spirit, making evangelisation the main thing they did, and using the best of leadership principles to steward the fruit?

The Church would be radically changed. And the impact in our neighbourhoods would be palpable.

If you long for this kind of change in the Church, join us in Harrogate for Catholic Parish Summit, 12-14 June 2024.

Better than that – bring one, two or three local parishes with you!

This event will launch a vision for 2033 that we invite you to be a part of. Be part of history changing.

With the prayers of all of us at
Divine Renovation UK,  

Hannah, Jordan, Hannah and Ciara

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