Double your gift, double your impact.

Your gift will be matched by a generous donor from May 5-19!
Thank you for supporting the work of parish renewal.
Together, we can bring hope to priests, life to parishes, and people to Jesus.
Our campaign is over for 2024 but our online giving portal allows you to make a gift any time during the year, and setting up a one-time or monthly gift is easy.

Your gift is transforming lives
Portugal • Meet Fr. Nuno Westwood, a parish priest who has embarked on a mission to revitalize his parish and bring positive change to his community.
USA • Join Fr. Mark Begly and two of his parishioners as they share the story of renewal in their parish!
Global • A special message from Fr. James Mallon. Founder of Divine Renovation. Your gifts matter!

There are times “to leave the 99 sheep and go and look for the lost one.”
In 2021, Salvador returned to his childhood home in Chicago, a broken man. Through the support of his parish and DR his life was transformed.

"God will provide..."
When Bishop Liesen read the [DR] book, he felt, “this is authentic. This a conversion not of the mind but of the heart. This is really going back to Jesus Christ and Him building up His Church: this is what we need.” The focus shifted to becoming a missional diocese.

"The Harvest is Plentiful."
Slovenian priest Father Simon Potnik went to Halifax for the DR18 conference looking for a new way forward in parish renewal. There he saw “for the first time there was a way. The path that I believed in, the logic, was there.” The Divine Renovation principles made sense and offered him hope.
With your help, parishes across the world will become missional.
Imagine thousands more experiencing what Salvador, Bishop Liesen, and Fr. Simon experienced.
Our world needs that. Our world needs you.
Other ways to donate
Donations by cheques may be made payable and sent through the office you choose to support.
See below for bank transfer information for Divine Renovation Deutschland e.V.
For more information on other ways to give, please email us at [email protected].
Divine Renovation Ministry
Charitable no. 828454538 RR 0001
PO Box 51069 RPO
Rockingham Ridge
Halifax, NS B3M 4R8
Divine Renovation Australasia
Company no. 645 439 238
4 Canterbury Ct
Beaconsfield Upper
Victoria 3808
Divine Renovation USA
501(c)(3) EIN 85-4349230
847 E. Bethel School Rd.
Coppell, TX 75019
Divine Renovation UK
No. 1189356; Company no. 12365171
5-7 Cromwell Road
London SW7 2HR
United Kingdom
Divine Renovation Deutschland e.V.
VR 2833 Fulda
56a, 53227 Bonn
Falls Sie eine Überweisung bevorzugen, hier die Kontodaten von Divine Renovation Deutschland:
Divine Renovation Deutschland e.V.
IBAN: DE39 3706 0193 0018 2520 07